1️⃣ 社團活動
flarum_admin flarum_admin 水坑搬運工 Oct 6, 2023

羊仔 - 永遠的最佳綠葉

@羊仔 / Jui Chun Yang
1970.5.31 ~ 2023.9.21
大家共同的好朋友 願安息
In memory of our friend, R.I.P.

A loyal supporter of Aruba.
Thought he was a dashing and gallant professional armored soldier.

台灣SUBARU這20年來 舞臺上的最佳綠葉
為人內斂低調 座駕紫羊自帶招搖
For the past 20 years, the best supporting act on the Taiwan subarist community.
A modest and understated individual, his purple subaru turned heads wherever it went.

不出風頭 始終如一
Never seeking the limelight, always consistent.

沒事 大家不難過 我想你只是換個地方玩拉力
一路走好~ 哥
Won't be too sad, I believe you're just off to a different place to enjoy some rallying.
Rest in peace, my friend.

影片感謝 陳福貴大哥協助

⁨1⁩ ⁨個評論⁩